Posts tagged “soft skills”
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My thoughts after reading The software developer’s life manual, by John Sonmez
Each and every day, I work hard to become a better developer as well as a better human-being. This means that I’m constantly on a quest for new knowledge. The Internet has brought new ways to consume content, but, sometimes, a well-detailed and logically-organized book about a subject is easier to read than 100s of blog posts. After following John Sonmez’s Entreprogrammer podcast and reading his blog, I decided to read the book he has written. Here is what I think after reading Soft Skills: The software developer’s life manual and how it influenced my life ever since. -
Superhuman Social Skills, by Tynan - Book summary
Here is what I learned from the last book I read: Superhuman Social Skills: A Guide to Being Likeable, Winning Friends, and Building Your Social Circle, by Tynan. As stated in the title, this book is about improving your social skills to make sure others enjoy being around you, thus(hopefully) bringing you more interesting social interactions.